Earl Wolf gives the Do Nothing machine a second life

At some point after the Do Nothing machine came into the possession of the Antique Steam and Gas Museum in the Joe Martin Foundation’s home town of Vista, CA. It was put up for auction, where Mr. Wolf purchased it in about 2003, repaired it and for years took it to several shows a year for the public to enjoy. The following article by Mark Duncan was published in the Yavapai Yellow Sheet newspaper in Arizona Thursday, October 26th, 2006.

Prescott man’s machine does none of the work

Some folks spend their golden years doing nothing, but not Prescott’s Earl Wolf.
He’s got a machine for that.
Wolf, a retired plumbing contractor, is a collector of arcane machinery. He has a tiny steam engine, a hot air engine, a solar motor that spins like the dickens in the Arizona midday sun and a Dynavoice Piano Player (not a player piano) that sits on a keyboard and, driven by a vacuum cleaner motor, presses the keys on the commands of punched paper rolls.
But the jewel of his collection is without a doubt the 60-plus year old, one-of-a-kind, magnificent and wonderful Do Nothing Machine, which he picked up in an auction from the Antique Steam and Gas Engine Museum in Vista, Calif.

Machines That Do Nothing

Built by clockmaker Lawrence Wahlstrom of los Angeles during a period of seven years in the mid-1940’s, the machine has three electric motors that spin it on its pedestal while driving chains, sprockets, steel bars, a tiny taillight and more than 700 gears in a flurry of activity that accomplishes absolutely nothing.
The machine, and Wahlstrom, had a flirtation with fame in the 1950’s, and Wolf has a scrapbook detailing more than 25 television appearances including gigs on the Garry Moore Show as well as spots with Bob Hope and Art Linkletter.
From time to time, Wahlstrom called the machine a Flying Saucer Detector, or a Smog Eradicator. Obviously, it did none of those things—it does nothing but entertain, the inventor was prone to admit.
These days, Wolf spends several weekends a year going to fairs and festivals, where he and his useless device invariably steal the show.
“It’s always the biggest hit at the show,” Wolf said. “People will look on it, they’ll stick their noses in there and study it, then walk away and then come back and study it some more.”
Truly, the softly whirring machine has a mesmerizing effect on an observer. Here’s a part of an oil pump from an old Volkswagen, and those little steel bars are from a World War II Norden bombsight. There are square gears, round gears, even an oblong gear, a floating gear and the crankshaft from a linotype machine, as well as a ball bearing that plies an aimless path along a tilting metal race near the top.
And it breaks down—a lot.
“The machine does nothing, but I have to work,” Wolf said. “I’ll show it for a day or for a weekend and then spend the next three or four days getting it running again.”
Despite having owned the machine for three years, Wolf is uncertain exactly how many gears it contains. The documentation lists 744 and 764, but Wolf is not about to try and count them.
“Oh, God no, you can’t count them,” he said.
It’s about all he can do to keep the machine well lubricated—he’s become an expert in the properties of various brands of silicone sprays—and fix it when some part or another stops working.
“You just track it down,” he said. “I’ve worked on it so much by now that when I see something not turning I pretty much know where to find the problem.”
Even though its heyday of television appearances is behind it, the machine still attracts admirers with a creative bent. At a show in south Dakota, Wolf said, a couple looked at the device for a half hour on Saturday, then came back the next day with a poem the man had written.
“He said he was up until three in the morning writing it,” Wolf said. It read, in part:
A magnificent kind of invention
A wonderful thing to behold
The most beautiful thing in the world
It’s a Do Nothing Machine I am told
What is the value of a Do Nothing machine? Wahlstrom buit it for about $25 dollars (Wolf recently replaced two sprockets for $33), and it last sold for several hundred dollars.
Wolf said he would certainly take $10,000 for it if anyone offered it, but no one has. So he has a plan. Knowing the machine needs to go to a good home, where a mechanically-inclined lover of synchronized intricacy would give it the care it deserves, he plans to donate it to a young frined—once his own gears start to wear out
Money isn’t really the object.
“The thing has already given me a million dollars worth of pleasure,” Wolf said. Just bet casino.
So maybe it does do something after all.

Preserved for present and future engineers to enjoy

In its present state, after being demonstrated thousands of times over the past 60+ years both by Mr. Wahlstrom and then by its longtime caretaker Earl Wolf of Prescott, AZ, it is a little worn but still functional. A couple of the gear trains in the center of the mass have ceased to work consistently, but the overall impression is still one that inspires both awe and a smile when seen in action. The famous “Do-Nothing” machine is now on permanent display in the Miniature Engineering Craftsmanship Museum in Carlsbad, CA, courtesy of the family of Earl Wolf. It will be maintained and operated in its present condition, exactly as Mr. Wahlstrom and Mr. Wolf ran it, and the museum shop machinists will keep it running for visitors to enjoy.
Summing up its function and purpose is the aforementioned poem written in honor of the machine and presented to Mr. Wolf.

The Do Nothing Machine

By Keith Christensen, Tabor, SD

Lets get ready to rumble game. It’s wonderful, stupendous, colossal

It wakes up all of my loves

The most wonderful gadget ever

Now what would you say that it does?

It has big gears and small gears and levers

It has a governor too

This machine is downright exciting

I wonder what all it can do?

Do Nothing Machine For Sale

There’re seven hundred gears to amaze you

Legal age for gambling. There’s even a flashing red light

Do Nothing Machine Kit

Things go this way and that way and new ways

It’s just a most wonderful sight.

A magnificent kind of invention

A wonderful thing to behold

The most beautiful thing in the world


It’s a do nothing machine I am told.

Our thanks to Dianna Moinet, Mr. & Mrs. Lee Stanek and the family of Earl Wolf for the donation and to Leo and Lisa Zugner at the Antique Steam and Gas Museum for restoring it and delivering it to the museum.

Video of the machine in action

A Youtube Video Link can be seen at:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9x0HECkbKbk
To see a very old movie clip from when the machine was new and shiny CLICK HERE.

Photos of the Do Nothing Machine